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Urban Planning Group

Urban Planning Group performs duties related to: approval of the general plan, general regulation plan of the local government and Spatial development plan, drafted in the coverage of Special purpose Area Spatial plan; within the limits declared a protected natural resources; providing expert assistance in the preparation and adoption of spatial plans; making proposals for the appointment of members of the JLS plans; participation in the commission for plan JLS and providing technical assistance to JLSs commissions for plans; provision of the data and conditions for the preparation of planning documents at the request of the bearer of the plan, as well as other documents of importance for the development of the planning document; keeping records of Spatial plans for which it was issued consent of the minister responsible for urban planning; preparation and production of analysis, studies, reports, and information in the field of urban development planning; Giving / preparing professional opinions on the application of regulations within the scope of the Department / Division; preparing opinions on draft laws and regulations prepared / proposed by other ministries, special organizations and other bodies and organizations, or legislation that the holders of public authority, in accordance with the law; participation in the preparation of professional basis for drafts of regulations in the field of spatial planning and settlement; perform other tasks within the scope of the Group.