Department of Road Transport
The Department for Road Transport carries out tasks relating to: preparation of expert bases for the drafting of laws and proposals of other regulations in the field of road transport; preparing the proposal for the basis for conducting negotiations and concluding multilateral and bilateral agreements in the field of road transport; the harmonization of international bus lines and the registration and checking of timetables in intermediate line passenger transport; granting licenses for the transport of things; defining guidelines for the development and improvement of the conditions for performing international road transport; improving the development of commodity terminals for the needs of intermodal transport; defining incentive measures for the use of combined transport means; legal processing of draft laws and proposals of other regulations in the field of road transport; preparing opinions on the application of laws and other regulations in the field of road transport; preparation of opinions on draft laws and proposals of acts whose proposers are other state administration bodies, from the aspect of road traffic; preparation of the Government's work plan and work reports; the preparation, exchange, delivery and distribution of international contingents of licenses with foreign countries; determining the fulfillment of the conditions for access to the profession of a road haulier and the issuance of appropriate licenses for carrying out road transport; certification and issuance of certificates for responsible persons, a certificate for drivers in the carriage of cargo and certificates and certificates for vehicles in road transport, as well as other tasks from the scope of the Department.
In the Road Transport Department, the following routine indoor units are formed:
In the Road Transport Department, the following routine indoor units are formed: