Traffic Safety Group
The Traffic Safety Group carries out tasks relating to: preparation of strategies, plans, laws and other regulations in the field of road safety, intelligent transport systems and areas of social legislation in road transport and tachograph systems; preparation of plans for financing measures in the field of traffic safety; coordinating the work of subjects in the field of traffic safety; professional support to the work of the Body for the Coordination of Traffic Safety, the Collegium and expert working groups, participation in the work of international institutions in the field of road safety, intelligent transport systems and tachograph systems; Promoting traffic safety measures and intelligent transport systems; drafting of technical conditions, other technical regulations, norms and standards in the field of traffic safety on roads, intelligent transport systems and tachograph systems; preparation of regulations regarding the technical conditions that fulfill the vehicles in traffic; participates in the preparation of studies, analyzes, planning and forecasts in the field of road safety, intelligent transport systems and tachograph systems; development of programs for improving the state of traffic safety on roads and intelligent transport systems, monitoring of multilateral conventions and agreements in the field of road safety, intelligent transport systems and tachograph systems; monitoring and introduction of EU regulations in domestic regulations; participation in the creation of material from the scope of the Ministry with other bodies and organizations through commissions or working groups, as well as other activities from the scope of the Group.
Traffic Safety Group
011/2609-241 (work days 10-13h), 011/2609-120 (work days10-13h)